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The South Dakota State Library serves as the state's information center and facilitates the cost effective collection and delivery of information, particularly electronic information, to state government and citizens through local public libraries, schools and other educational institutions.

Pursuant of that mission and through the two years it has been involved in the Libraries Online! program, the South Dakota Public Library has:

Improved the computer literacy at the twenty five Libraries Online! libraries and three Native American Reservations by offering specific, hands-on training in productivity and education software applications and the Small Business Package.

Expanded access to computer literacy and Internet services to the disadvantaged population of South Dakota through the use of multi-media, Internet compatible, powerful personal computers at the branch libraries and reservations.

Increased the librarys capacity to sustain computer literacy in disadvantaged areas by developing a training plan that calls for local expertise and on-going in-house training and developing a "users guide" for accessing full-text documents available to member librarians and technical staff via the Internet.

Improved computer staff expertise at the South Dakota Library Network computer central site by increasing access to training.

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