Pull Down Menus are located on the Standard (Text) toolbars of Windows programs. Pull down menus are similar to Flyout menus. They display tools and features to manipulate elements within a program.
Menus activate through two methods:
1. Using the keyboard, select the Alt Key, then the underlined letter key. So to activate the View pull down menu, press Alt + V and the pull down menu to the left will appear.
2. Using the mouse, click on the word View and the pull down menu to the left will appear.
To select an option on the menu, slide the cursor (do not click) until the desired option highlights. Then single click and that dialogue function box will appear.
The text in gray lettering is inactive. This means the view or placement in the document do not have the option to use these features. In this case, no Footnotes have been added, so there are none to view from the View menu.