The Flyout menu is a means for listing files with programs, tools and features. To activate options on the Flyout Menu, umove the cursor arrow (without clicking) over the listed name. It will highlight and produce another stair-stepped menuv. When the menu item you want appears, click on it to launch. The example below will launch Bookshelf 1996-97w. Each highlighted menu name indicates the selected menu item.

The arrowhead to the right of the menu option indicates the availability of a flyout menu. Not all menu options have flyout menus.

If flyout menus appear for options you do not want to select, keep moving your cursor. Nothing is launched (opened) until clicked on. When the cursor moves toward the top of the screen, the menus disappear--just start over again. When the cursor moves below the menus, nothing changes. If you want to start over, click the cursor arrow anywhere outside the menus. The screen will be cleared of flyout menus.

sCursor   tTaskbar   
sFlyout Menu
t Scroll Bar
sMinimize, Maximize or Close  
tPull Down Menus